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Author: Guilio Del Fava


The Municipality would like to make a correction for the Preferential Procurement Framework Act (PPPFA) Points for BID No. SCM/19/2016-17 (Implementation of mSCOA), that was advertised on Thursday 06/10/2016 as 90/10 to be corrected to 80/20 as the correct points scoring system that will be used for evaluation.


On 9 September 2016 Amahlathi Local Municipality and Department of Rural Development and Agrarian Reform handed over seedlings at Gasela Village in Stutterheim.

20 community members are beneficiaries of the seedlings for the home stay garden.  The pilot vegetable garden project is supporting the organic programme so they can be vegetable suppliers, the change from chemical food to organic is because organic food is healthier. An Agripak at Mlungisi Community Commercial Park will be built where they will create market for the people to sell.

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Waste Management Campaign

image7Amahlathi Local Municipality held a waste campaign in Keiskammahoek at the newly built Sophumelela Primary School on 05 February 2016.

The purpose was to educate learners on the importance of waste management and how to separate waste from personal hygiene. The key focus areas were ways of reducing waste,re-use and recycle.

After the educational session, municipal officials and the school children collect litter in and around the school in an initiative of keeping a clean country.